December’s Birthstones include blue topaz, chrysoprase, lapis lazuli, onyx, ruby, turquoise, tanzanite, and zircon.
The Zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn, the two signs
that fall in the month of December include agate, amethyst, beryl, garnet and sapphire.
Today we are highlighting beautiful Chrysoprase. Chrysoprase
is known as one of the fertility stones for both men and women. It is a stone associated with hope and
compassion. It is said to bring those
issues that are unconscious forward to our conscious mind. Chrysoprase’s energies are associated with
the truth and brings insight.
Chrysoprase is used to help obtain deep meditative states
and to heal the inner child.
It is said to assist the immune system and as mentioned to
assist with fertility.
Chrysoprase is associates with the heart chakra and some say
the sacral chakra as well.
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