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Tuesday, 2 July 2019



The 7 point star is known as the Septegram, Elven Star, Faerie Star or Heptagram. 

With Kabbalah, this star represents Venus & love. In Christianity, it represents the 7 days of creation and is a symbol to ward off evil & is the perfection or God. 

It is a symbol of the originally known planets in Astrology, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. 

It represents the 7 sacred directions: North, East, South, West, Above, Below & Center. 

Each point can represent the 7 rays of light & with this in mind, we have tied the Faerie Star in with our chakra centres to create the Chakra Faerie Star.

Base/Root- Earth, Grounded, I AM, Red, Coral
Sacral- Water, sexuality, I FEEL, Orange, Carnelian
Solar Plexus- Fire, confidence I DO, Yellow, Yellow Jade
Heart- Air, self love, I LOVE, Green, Jade
Throat- Sound, communication, I SPEAK, Blue, Howlite
Third Eye- Light, Intuition, I SEE, Indigo, Sodilite
Crown- Space, Divine, I UNDERSTAND, Violet, Amethyst

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