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Tuesday, 30 July 2019


This simple yet elegant necklace was created to allow essential oils to be added to the Lava stone which acts as a wick. Just as with stone energy, essential oils have wonderful effects on our bodies, minds and emotions. You can add a different essential oil each day depending on your needs and likes. 

Essential oils are highly concentrated and as a result a drop of two on the Lava Stone is all that is required.

A perfect example of essential oil to use with a pendant would be for nasal congestion as a result of allergies at this time of year. Combine Cedar, peppermint, grapefruit and lemon (my favorite for sinus congestion) and add a couple of drops to your Lava Stone. 

You can combine oils or use just one for effects of peace, calm, energy, sleep, and the list goes on. The more you get to know the oils and how you react to them, the more experimental you can be with your combinations.  

Lava or Lava stone is also known as Volcanic rock or Basalt and has a hardness of 3 to 3.5. 

Lava stone energy is known to bring strength and courage to those that wear it. It is said that the energies of Lava help to curb our anger. Like most black stones, it is grounding and offers protection. Lava is also a high energy stone and is considered to help raise libido.

Lava is a powerful stone for those born under the element of Fire in Astrology. It is also beneficial for those that lack fire and are timid or lack drive.
If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or through private message at

Thursday, 25 July 2019


We have now entered into the sign of Leo.  Their sunstones or birthstones of Leo are Carnelian, Diamond, Onyx, Peridot, Ruby and Sardonyx.  Today we are highlighting Black Onyx.

Onyx is a form of chalcedony from the quartz family and has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.

Black Onyx is the stone of strength, both physically and emotionally. It has been used to aid concentration and to help with self-discipline.  Onyx is said to provide support and self-confidence. 

It is invaluable with past life work and helps to eliminate fear and worry.

Physically, Onyx balances the yin and yang energies within our bodies.

There is a set of stones that have been formulated in association with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Black Onyx can be used as the fourth step as part of the “continuing to take inventory stage”. 

Onyx is associated with the root chakra.

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or through private message at

Tuesday, 23 July 2019


Our greatest symbol of love is the heart.  Today we are highlighting the heart and have incorporated the icon of energy into the pendant as well.  This wonderful symbolic pendant can be adorn with a stone of your choice.  Today’s highlighted piece has also been enhanced with a single Carnelian bead. The possibilities are endless. 

Carnelian is a grounding and stabilizing stone with high energy making it a motivational stone. Metaphysically, Carnelian helps to remove fear and to create courage. It is used for concentration and to calms anger.  Carnelian is also associated with creativity and stimulates energy and drive.

What bead would you choose to personalize this pendant?

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or private message at

Thursday, 18 July 2019

TRIDACNA (with Waxing Moon)

Tridacna beads are made from saltwater clam shells and are pure white.

Tradacna is known as one of the Seven Treasures of Buddhism.

Tridacna is worn for protection and enhances our magnetic field. It is said to enhance wisdom.

Tridacna stabilizes our moods and is a perfect choice for assisting us when we are feeling annoyed. Because of the mood stabilizing effect, Tridacna can assist in eliminating worry and finding balance mentally (as well as emotionally).

Tridacna is said to have many physical health benefits including anti-aging and helping to fight osteoporosis.

We have completed the Tridacna necklace with a Waxing Moon charm, the symbol of the Maiden.  The Moon is associated with our emotions both with Astrology and metaphysically. The Waxing Moon phase (following the New Moon) is said to be a time for spells connected to new beginnings, growth, love and positive change. 

Tridacna is associates with the crown chakra.

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or through private message at

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


Apophyllite is the general name for the grouping of three sub classifications - Fluorapophyllite, Hydroxyapophyllite and Natroapophyllite.  Apophyllite has a hardness of 4.5 to 5 and usually comes in the pyramid form.  Apophyllite can come in a variety of colours but the most popular is clear.

Apophyllite is said to carry the Akashic Record and is a powerful vibration transmitter. 

Apophyllite is a must with Reiki healing.

Apopyllite is a wonderful tool for developing intuition and its energies are inspirational. This is the ideal tool when working with the higher chakras.  In particular, Apopyllite is invaluable when working with the third eye and Crown Chakras as it is predominantly a spiritual crystal. 

In a nutshell, Apopyllite is a perfect metaphysical tool which will enhance our abilities and build our trust so that we know we can trust them.

Physically, it is said that Apophyllite will assist with fatigue and stress.

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or through private message at

Thursday, 11 July 2019



This featured set has been created with Hematite, Swarovski Crystals and black Pearls.  It is a true touch of elegance. 

Hematite is an iron oxide with trace amounts of titanium and has a hardness of 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale.  It is a myth that Hematite is magnetic on its own.  Hematite is only magnetic if it contains enough magnetite.  

Crystals are not natural crystal stones but are crystal glass made by various companies such as Swarovski in Austria.

Pearl is one of the most ancient of gemstones. Pearls which are referred to as black can be found in many dark hues such as grey, charcoal, metallic and dark purple.  Pearls have a hardness of 2.5 and as a result, scratch easily.

Hematite is grounding and enhances expansion and protective. It is associated with peace and harmony. Hematite harmonizes the spirit, mind and body.  Hematite stimulated memory, concentration and focus. It is used to assist with addictions and is well known to help with blood supply. Hematite is beneficial for leg cramps and anxiety.

Swarovski crystals and as such other manmade crystals have the energies of glass.  Glass brings positive energy, hope, joy, good luck, and diffuses negative energy. These crystals carry energies of transformation and rebirth. 

Pearls are linked to feminine wisdom, faith, purity, charity and spiritual transformation. It is not co-incidence that many brides wear pearls.  Pearl is the 10th stone in the 12 Sobriety Step Stones (Spiritual Recovery Jewellery).  Black Pearls in particular are used for balance, control, prosperity, strength and protection.

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or through private message at

Tuesday, 9 July 2019


The highlighted bracelet was created for looks but also with joint pain in mind.

Red Carnelian is known to be beneficial for arthritis and rheumatism. It is said to speeds up the healing of joints, bones and ligaments and rejuvenates tissues and cells.

Baltic Amber when worn against the skin is warmed and releases small amounts of healing oils (succinic acid). The oils are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. The oils from Baltic Amber boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and are an analgesic used for pain. Baltic Amber also assists with varicose vein and increases blood circulation.

Rutilated Quartz is the "moving energy" crystal. Rutile is known for its intense healing energy and quartz magnifies the energy of other stones. Rutilated quartz is said to be physically stabilizing. It fights aging and cellular deterioration and strengthens are tissues.

This bracelet was created with memory wire so that it can be put on easily and without having to deal with clasps.

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or through private message at

Thursday, 4 July 2019


Enhancing Adornments stainless steel essential oil diffuser pendants are actually lockets which hold absorbent pads for the essential oils.

Not only do essential oils have incredibly fragrance, but they also have therapeutic properties that promote physical and mental well-being. 

Essential oils have been used for fragrance, cosmetic and medicinal purposes since ancient times. 

Essential oils are used to benefit those suffering from stress, depression, fatigue, pain, infection just to name a few.  The uses of essential oils are so vast we can only touch on them here. 

Essential oils can also have adverse effects so please familiarize yourself with whatever oils you choose to use particularly if you have allergies, pets and small children.

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or private message at

Tuesday, 2 July 2019



The 7 point star is known as the Septegram, Elven Star, Faerie Star or Heptagram. 

With Kabbalah, this star represents Venus & love. In Christianity, it represents the 7 days of creation and is a symbol to ward off evil & is the perfection or God. 

It is a symbol of the originally known planets in Astrology, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. 

It represents the 7 sacred directions: North, East, South, West, Above, Below & Center. 

Each point can represent the 7 rays of light & with this in mind, we have tied the Faerie Star in with our chakra centres to create the Chakra Faerie Star.

Base/Root- Earth, Grounded, I AM, Red, Coral
Sacral- Water, sexuality, I FEEL, Orange, Carnelian
Solar Plexus- Fire, confidence I DO, Yellow, Yellow Jade
Heart- Air, self love, I LOVE, Green, Jade
Throat- Sound, communication, I SPEAK, Blue, Howlite
Third Eye- Light, Intuition, I SEE, Indigo, Sodilite
Crown- Space, Divine, I UNDERSTAND, Violet, Amethyst

If you would like to make an inquiry concerning any of Enhancing Adornment's creations, we can be reached at or through private message at