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Thursday, 18 April 2019


Amethyst is from the quartz family and has a hardness of 7.  This particular piece is created with Chevron Amethyst (Amethyst banded with white quartz) and smaller complementary Obsidian beads.  Obsidian is natural glass occurring from molten magma and has a hardness of 5 to 5.5. 

Amethyst is known as the Master healer.  This is a stone  associated with sincerity, protection and purification.  Being Chevron Amethyst, the quartz contained in the Amethyst acts as an amplifier of the energies.  Amethyst is also a calming stone and is known to heal the heart on a spiritual level.  Obsidian will enhance integrity and honesty and is the stone of manifesting and healing.  

Amethyst is not only used on those being healed but also is worn by the healer.

Obsidian (particularly black) is known as the stone of truth. Obsidian is a protective stone and helps to alleviate negativity.  This stone assists with dealing with emotional blockages. 

Amethyst is associates with the crown chakra. Obsidian is associates with the root chakra.

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